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Top 7 Fruits For Heart Health

Top 7 Fruits for Heart Health

A healthy heart is important for overall health. It can prevent strokes, heart attacks, or other heart diseases. Having a healthy heart can’t guarantee you won’t get sick, but it will minimize some of the risks.

While heart disease might be more prominent in people with old age, it’s not exclusive to them. Young people can also get heart disease. That being said, fruits good for the heart are often easy to come by. Read on to find out what they are!

What Can Lead To Heart Disease?

Many things can lead to heart disease:

Lack of Exercise 

The heart pumps blood to all the important parts of the body. You should help it along by pumping some iron or doing some cardio!

Unhealthy Diet

An unhealthy diet consisting of fatty and processed foods and a high salt intake can contribute to high cholesterol. This paired with a lack of exercise can lead to some artery woes.


Smoking famously affects the lungs most often, but it also affects the heart. Smoking can lead to heart and blood vessel disease - now you know!

Family History

Plan and simple - if your family has a history of heart disease, you may want to be more careful.

Seven Fruits Good For The Heart

fruits for your better heart

1. Oranges

This citrusy fruit may help cut cholesterol. A healthy amount of orange intake can also help you reap the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits of naringenin and hesperidin.

Oranges are also extremely easy to come by. If, however, you don’t like eating oranges and are fussed by the rinds, cold pressed juices like Little West’s 100% Pure Orange Juice are a convenient solution!

2. Beans

When thinking of what fruit is good for the heart, you may not be thinking of beans. Yep, botanically speaking, beans are classified as fruits. Eating pinto beans, for example, can help you lessen that heart disease risk by lowering that cholesterol. While drinking bean juice isn’t as common, beans are still widely available tinned, dried, or fresh. 

3. Watermelon


This summery favorite is another delicious heart-healthy fruit! Watermelon is filled with B vitamins (like B1 and B6), potassium, magnesium, and lycopene. The latter is what makes the watermelon an entry on the fruits that are good for the heart list.

Lycopene is said to lower the risk of heart attacks. Finding some watermelon when it’s not in season can be troublesome. If you want to get a good, convenient supply of watermelons, why not grab a bottle of The Quench juice? 

4. Apples

apple juice

Eating apples may help lower the risk of stroke. They may also reduce the risk of hypertension and coronary heart disease.

Apples are very easy to find. Local supermarkets carry them, farmer’s markets are full of them, they’re just everywhere! This makes apples great fruits good for the heart. Apple juices, though, are another story. 

Apple juice is actually very common. But they’re also commonly full of preservatives and sugar. This Gingersnap juice contains two different kinds of apples and is blended with other tasty ingredients - no sugar and preservatives are added!

5. Bananas

Bananas are great fruits good for the heart and digestive system. 10% of a person’s fiber needs per day can be sorted with just one banana. Fiber may also help keep cardiovascular diseases at bay.

Bananas also contain potassium (of course!), folate, and antioxidants - all said to help the heart stay healthy. Also, bananas are great on-the-go fruits that are good for the heart.

6. Grapefruits

A study was once done to see how eating grapefruits can help lower bad cholesterol, and the findings look great! The same study shows that eating grapefruits helped reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and blood pressure

Grapefruits are also sources of potassium, which we just touched on earlier. 

7. Berries

The availability of berries is affected by their seasonality, but they’re worth mentioning in our list of fruits good for the heart. Plus, if you can’t find a fresh supply, dried ones are rather easy to come by - most especially in Asian markets.

Speaking of, one well-known berry loved for its health benefits is the goji berry! Fresh ones are rare to come by here, but dried ones are available and great for snacking. Eating healthy amounts of goji berries may help reduce the long-term risk of heart disease.

cold pressed juice

What fruit is good for the heart? We strongly believe the best ones balance nutrition and availability. You shouldn’t have to shoot for the moon when trying to find some heart-healthy fruits. Cold pressed juice makes the search easier, too. Have a shop around and find what you need with our juice cleanse and juice subscription options!