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Our partnership with Big Green Learning Gardens is extra special to our founders Cass and Andrew, especially since they became parents to their first son West. They quickly learned the importance of introducing real food to kids from a young age, and also unfortunately, just how many kids don’t the have access to learn about the importance of healthy eating habits

Big Green's dynamic outdoor learning gardens are installed in underserved schools all around the country, and their goal is to help kids dig into their education, thrive with real, nutritious foods and healthy habits, and become active participants in strengthening their communities.

Not only does Little West donate a percentage of all sales to Big Green, but their team also volunteers with the amazing organization throughout the year. Please reach out to either of our companies if you’d like to join in the super fun and life changing volunteer work.

Big Green currently reaches over 300,000 students around the country each day, and with them we look forward to a future where every child has the opportunity to connect to real food right in their schools and communities.

For more information check out

For our planet… EcoDrive

With more and more of our amazing customers ordering juice safely to their homes, we set out to find a solution to help mitigate the negative environmental impacts of our shipments. It is with great excitement that we've partnered with EcoDrive to effectively offset the carbon footprint of our packages by planting trees

Where are these trees planted, you ask? Research has shown that to achieve the highest rates of CO2 sequestration, trees must be planted in tropical environments. Within the first two months of working with EcoDrive, together we’ve planted almost 500 trees, and provided 6 days of work for local villagers in Madagascar & Kenya.

As a company, EcoDrive has planted over millions of trees, and we’re looking forward to being a significant contributor in their incredible mission to reduce our carbon footprint.

For more information check out

Counter logo We plant a tree for every order we sell, to help off set carbon emissions.