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Low Sugar Juice Cleanse for Weight Loss: Myth or Reality?

Low Sugar Juice Cleanse for Weight Loss: Myth or Reality?

Juicing and losing weight are now becoming synonymous with each other these days. The pairing just makes sense to a lot of folks! 

We can help you get on the same page as them with this little read. We’ll give you a quick rundown of why juice cleanses for weight loss can work for you or not. We can also give you some helpful insights and disclaimers for when you choose to go on a cleanse yourself. More importantly, we can help manage your expectations for cleanses.

Going on cleanses isn’t always rainbows and butterflies - it’s a very real experience that your body goes through! That’s why you need to be informed of all the little things about them. Let’s not dilly-dally anymore and jump into the need-to-knows!

Why Low Sugar Juice Diet And Weight Loss?

Think of this as hitting two birds with one stone. We know juicing and losing weight can go hand in hand. Fabulous. However, choosing to drink low sugar juices may help you detox from sweets! If you feel like you’ve been bingeing on a lot of sweets lately, a low sugar cleanse may help you manage your munchies.

Does Juicing Help You Lose Weight?

juicing for weight loss

The reality of losing weight with juice cleanses is that it all depends. Going on a cleanse won’t immediately make you lose pounds. At least… Not without some help. Here’s what we mean.

You Won’t Lose A Lot of Weight

cleanse for weight loss

A lot of the time, you won’t lose an insane amount of weight when you go on a cleanse. That’s because a cleanse is ideally done for only a short period. Skipping solid food for a few days will help you lose a bit of weight, sure….But only a little bit! 

A cleanse won’t miraculously loosen a couple of inches off your waistline. Let’s manage expectations and stay realistic. If you want to lose more weight, then read on.

Check Out - Top 9 Juices To Try for Weight Loss

You Still Need To Improve Your Diet

Let’s face it. The reason why a lot of us gain weight is because we don’t eat the right things. Junk food just tastes so good, don’t they? But junk food is called that for a good reason. 

Seeing as you’re giving your body a little reset while on a juice cleanse, why not take that time to plan out better meals and maybe even do a little prep while you have time? More veg, lean foods… Remember the food pyramid!

Your Habits Need To Change, Too

weight loss habits

If you go on a low sugar cleanse and come out of it with some lost weight, then good for you! But your juice diet and weight loss journey doesn’t just end there. You need to change your daily habits if you want to maintain these results. That habit we’re talking about? Exercise.

Make sure to get moving and stay fit. Relying on juice cleanses for weight loss isn’t something we recommend for an end-all-be-all solution - it just isn’t. Exercise and a healthy diet are more reliable!

Low Sugar Doesn’t Mean No Sugar

Juices, even the ones at Little West, still have natural fruit and vegetable sugars in them. Again, these are natural sugars and not added sugars or artificial sweeteners. When buying juices, you need to make sure that they’re free from the latter two. 

Natural sugars get absorbed by the body at a more moderate rate. It’s not like the refined sugars that give you a sugar spike. Plus, these natural sugars help your juices stay tasty! 

You’re Going To Be Less Energetic

feel less energetic

Most of the time, this is true! This is regardless of whether cleanses are low sugar or not. Cleanses mean you replace meals with juices. And food is fuel! We know you’re “drinking” your fruits and vegetables, but your body will expectedly feel weaker during this time.

That’s why you’ll hear friends and acquaintances say that they took a day off or did their cleanse on a long weekend. Don’t be scared if your body feels weaker when you go on your low sugar cleanse. It’s your body’s natural response! 

Must Read - 5 Healthy Detox Juice to Aid Weight Loss

We Really Deliver Cold Pressed Juices. That’s Not A Myth.

cold pressed juice for weight loss

Little West is home to a great variety of low sugar juices. We even have a kit all figured out and ready for you to check out with ease. If you plan on going on other types of cleanses, just visit the Juice Cleanse & Kit section of the store to see everything we have.