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How Juice Cleanses Can Support Digestive Health and Gut Wellness

How Juice Cleanses Can Support Digestive Health

Do detox cleanses work? While there is limited research about juice cleansing, our bodies possess the natural ability to eliminate toxins and certain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients can help support this biological function. 

Juice cleanses that make extreme claims, such as losing significant amounts of weight in a short period of time, generally don’t work. However, taking a break from solid foods and just drinking juices for a few days can help “reset” your digestive system. Many people report feeling lighter and more energized after a juice cleanse for gut health.

Now, the reason why juice cleanses and gut health are also paired together makes sense. Juicing helps you stay hydrated, replenishes your system with vital nutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables, and can improve your gut microbiome. Let’s take a closer look at using a juice cleanse to support digestive health and gut wellness.

What Are The Best Ways To Detox Your Gut?

ways to detox your gut

Let’s discuss the methods people often try. If you take a closer look, you’ll notice that they all aim to focus on giving you a particular benefit. Read on to see if you can pinpoint what it is. After our list, we’ll give you the answer.

Consume a high-fiber diet

People often go on a cleanse because they feel sluggish or “stuffed.” Fiber, as you may be already aware, is meant to help you with good bowel health. It solidifies stool and makes it easier to pass. In addition to juicing, consuming a high-fiber diet can help.

Laxatives and similar

Similar to the one above, think of it as flushing out all the bad stuff. We won’t bore you on this since you know what laxatives can do!


If you feel like your stomach is going on overdrive, it makes sense to give it a rest. The lining of your stomach can appreciate that as well since it’s working overtime to let nutrients pass. Fasting also works because, in that short window, your stomach doesn’t have to churn away all that solid food.

So what do these methods all have in common? It’s essentially just improving bowel movements. If you’ve just experienced a particularly festive holiday and ate until your heart’s content, you might be feeling a bit off. Your gut, a.k.a. your stomach, may need a little help pushing things along. That’s where cleansing can help!

Also Read - Eating After Cleanse - Do's & Don'ts

What Can You Possibly Experience When On A Juice Cleanse For Gut Health?

Before we get to the positives, let’s talk about the soft negatives. Don’t worry, these are not likely to be extreme side effects – they’re just something to be mindful of. However, if you have a medical condition (especially one that effects your gastrointestinal system), always consult your doctor prior to doing a cleanse.

Though the spotlight is on the gut, other parts of your body could experience some effects like irritability. If you’re skipping solid meals, you may feel grumpy or moody while your body adjusts to the reduced caloric intake.

You may also feel fatigued during your gut health detox. For folks planning to go on a 2-day juice cleanse or longer, you may want to consider using your sick days to stay at home and relax or plan your cleanse for a weekend.

Some people may also experience diarrhea on a juice cleanse. It’s not that surprising since you’re not eating any solids. All that juice is adding to your overall water intake, after all.

Like we said – soft negatives. Nothing too harsh. Though we should note that you should take extreme side effects and report them to your doctor if you encounter them. That’s unusual and should be dealt with accordingly!

Why Juice Cleanses For Gut Health are All The Rage?

Put simply, juice cleanses for gut health are popular and preferred because they’re convenient -- especially if you’ve got a juice subscription. By doing a juice cleanse, you’ll also save time. Everything you need is in one bottle! This makes them possibly the best way to detox your gut. 

Also, more and more folks are realizing that natural is better. No over-the-counter laxatives are needed, no powdered nonsense is added, and no other additives are necessary. Natural works just fine and dandy.

So… What is the best juice cleanse for gut health? You know the answer to that by now! The best ones are free from any added sugars and are made with natural ingredients. You’d be amazed how much sugar other juices add to make their juices taste good. And, speaking of…

…The best of the Best Juices are all of the above AND they actually taste good. It seems simple, doesn’t it? Good things can come from good sources.

Little West is the Best!

The best of the best juices are foundright here at Little West. We don’t skimp on the good stuff. In EVERY bottle, you get as much as 4 lbs of fruits and veggies. We never water them down, either. Happy cleansing!