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Superfoods in Your Juice: What They Are and Why They Matter

superfoods in juice

Little West knows that ingredients make or break a good juice. While you could just randomly grab fruits and veggies off the produce aisle and blend them up to make a juice, chances are that it won’t taste all that good. More importantly, the benefits and nutritional value of said concoction won’t be as defined. 

That’s why we take all the guesswork out of the equation and prepare your juices for you to simply pick and choose. We’ve done juices that help boost immunity, skin health, hydration… You name it, we’ve probably made it. 

But here begs the question… Are some ingredients better than others? Yes and no. Read on to see what we mean.

What Are Superfoods?

superfood juice

Superfoods are described as nutrient-dense and immensely beneficial to health. Some samples would be kale, avocado, ginger, turmeric, chia seeds, beets, watercress, garlic, cinnamon, goji berries, and acai. The list can go on! There are loads more fruits, vegetables, grains, and seeds that are considered to be superfoods, but those are probably the most common and frequently mentioned. 

Many consider the term “superfood” to be a marketing tactic. This may be true to some degree and here’s why. You've probably seen those superfood labels in the supermarket and noticed how more expensive they are because of this. Some simply slap on the superfood sticker to otherwise unhealthy-presenting products like, for example, a bottle of kale juice... Only this specific kale juice is made with artificial flavors and concentrates to make it taste better. It’s not all black and white. That’s why you should always read labels.

For the most part, we like thinking of the superfood label as a helpful guide to lead us to actual, healthy ingredients. Take goji berries as another example. Regular joes and janes might’ve not known they were beneficial for your health if they weren’t often named one of the best superfoods out there. Heck, they might not have even heard of goji berries at all if it weren’t for all that superfood marketing!

Check Out - Juicing for Energy - 7 Best Juices for Energy

Why Superfoods Matter?

why superfood matter

Sometimes the answer is staring at us right in the face. Superfoods matter because they’re good for you. That’s it. That’s why adding superfoods for juicing sounds like a great idea! 

Spoiler alert: It actually is. 

Here’s another example of how superfoods can make things easier and healthier for you. We know that a lot of folks don’t like the taste of veggies. They may not even like fruits. If you didn’t grow up eating them, you may have never built a taste tolerance for them. Some grownups won’t even touch a vegetable on their plate no matter what. This happens and we, for the most part, get it.

So why not make your juices count? If you have to find some way to get some fruits and vegetables into your diet but don’t want to eat them, you can drink them instead. You can make a superpowered juice that has all the best superfoods and just down that drink in one sitting. If we want to live healthy lives, we have to eat and drink healthy things. And this is one of the best ways to do that. It’s a small sacrifice and you won’t ruin any meals in the process. If you ask us, this sounds like a stellar idea.

Something Good To Know About Superfoods

superfood juice

We said earlier that the superfood label can make life easier because it helps us identify healthy ingredients. And we still believe in that thought. One thing we’ll say is that we cannot think of superfoods as end-all-be-all miracle antidotes.

You see, some market superfoods to be cures for certain diseases and ailments. We just can’t get behind those claims because, frankly speaking, there are no studies and research to support those claims. A little research never hurt anybody. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

However, two things can be true. While we can proudly say that superfoods are super good, we still remain realistic. Superfoods are wonderful additions and supplements to our diets for sure, but they are just one part of the food pyramid (or should we say food plate). A healthy diet doesn’t merely contain superfoods. Remember that! 

Check Out - 6 Benefits Superfood of Kale & Kale Juice

Superfoods For Juicing? Just Get Juices at Little West!

superfood juices

Some of the most popular superfoods make their way into bottles of juices here at Little West. Save yourself the hassle and just get these convenient cold pressed juices sent straight to your home. If ever you’re running low on delicious juices, we’re just a few clicks away from delivering more to you.