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7 Cold Pressed Juice Cleanses To Aid Weight Loss In 2022

7 Cold Pressed Juice Cleanses for Weight Loss

Thinking about doing a juice cleanse for weight loss? Well, you’ve come to the right place. A juice cleanse might seem daunting, but we’re here to share with you the benefits, top tips, and best juices. We even sell a delicious range of Juice Cleanse Kits to make things super simple for you.

The best juice cleanse for weight loss should be short and sweet and undertaken with care. Your health is more important than your body shape, so we’re here to give you a little guidance! There are many awesome benefits to a juice cleanse asides from weight loss - read on to find out more.

Why Should I Do a Juice Cleanse?

why should i do juice cleanse

I’m sure you know all about the health benefits of juice. But do you know what a juice cleanse for weight loss can do for you? We’ve already given away one of the benefits: weight loss! 

But it’s not just about losing weight. We believe that all bodies are beautiful, and instead of making weight loss the main priority, it might be one of the many awesome reasons to do a juice cleanse. So now, we present to you, the benefits of a juice cleanse:

Juice Cleanse For Weight Loss

Doing a juice cleanse for weight loss has been a popular practice for decades, and you’ve probably noticed a fair few celebrities raving about them (Gwyneth, we’re looking at you!). But how exactly does it help you lose weight? The answer is pretty simple. With the majority of your diet consisting of healthy fruit and veggie juices, your calorie intake for the day - as well as protein and fat - will be severely reduced.

It can be dangerous if you consume too few calories, so it’s very important that your juice cleanse for weight loss delivers enough calories, and therefore energy, to your body. More on this in the top tips below!

You should also bear in mind that - because a juice cleanse is very short-term - it can be easy to put the weight back on as soon as you resume your normal diet. 

A juice cleanse for weight loss can be a great thing to do before a special event, when you want to lose a bit of bloat and squeeze into that special outfit! However, to manage your weight in the long term, remember to follow a healthy and balanced diet, and get enough exercise!

Also Read - 5 Healthy Detox Juice to Aid Weight Loss

Juice Cleanse as a Detox

Juice Cleanse as a Detox

As we’ve said, a juice cleanse for weight loss may not help you reach your long-term weight management goals. But that’s OK - there are so many more reasons why a juice cleanse can be beneficial. Next up is the potential to help flush out toxins from your body.

Maybe you’ve overindulged over the holidays, or at the weekend, and are feeling a little sluggish or run down. I’m sure most of us have been there, and there’s nothing wrong with indulging every so often! A juice cleanse for weight loss may help your body overcome the effects of all that alcohol you consumed or anything else that’s less than healthy.

Taking an occasional break from things like alcohol and coffee gives your body a chance to get rid of some toxins. Whilst the liver and kidneys do this naturally, a juice cleanse may give your immune system an extra boost and help you feel more energized. It’s about giving your body’s natural detoxification system a helping hand, much like why we use supplements.

Juice Cleanse For Health-Boosting Nutrients

The last benefit we want to highlight is not the loss of something (weight loss and the elimination of toxins!), but the gain. By this, we mean the wonderful nutrients that a juice cleanse for weight loss can deliver you. Fruits and vegetables are packed full of essential vitamins and minerals, and a huge range of other nutrients to keep you in good health. Juice is a delicious, refreshing, and convenient way to boost your health each day.

Juice Cleanse For Weight Loss - Top Tips

Juice Cleanse For Weight Loss - Top Tips


It’s a good idea to prepare for a juice cleanse rather than jumping straight in. In the days or weeks leading up to your juice cleanse, start reducing and eliminating coffee, alcohol, refined sugar, and junk food. Plan the cleanse to happen over a few days when your schedule isn’t too busy. Gather all the things you need (such as juice!) and remove unhealthy foods from your house. 

Starting to cut things out in the run-up will make the process a lot easier and may help you avoid any side effects such as headaches that can occur when we change our diet or experience caffeine withdrawal. If you are unsure about how a juice cleanse might affect you, it is always a good idea to speak to a medical professional.

Take it easy on the exercise front

During a juice cleanse for weight loss, you will most likely be hugely reducing your calorie intake. This means that engaging in exercise may feel a lot harder than usual. For this reason, keep exercise light and stop if you are struggling. Make sure to stay hydrated, and stick to gentle exercises such as yoga, pilates, or swimming.

Keep it short

It’s incredibly important that you keep your juice cleanse short! We suggest a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 3. If in any doubt about how a juice cleanse for weight loss might impact your health, please consult a medical professional first.

You don’t need to only consume juice

It IS possible to eat whilst doing a juice cleanse for weight loss. You can adapt your juice cleanse to suit, and there’s nothing wrong with eating fruit and raw or lightly steamed veggies. If you feel you need some extra calories or protein, have a glass of soy milk or a dollop of nut butter. 

It’s always important to eat a balanced diet, and a juice cleanse doesn’t have to be difficult. Just remember to consume plenty of fresh juice, and keep any other foods simple, unprocessed, and nutritious!

7 Cold Pressed Juice Cleanses for Weight Loss

cold pressed juice for weight loss

Here is a selection of our best juice cleanse kits for weight loss:

  • The Deep Detox Juice Cleanse Kit has been curated to deliver maximum support to your body in eliminating toxins. It features 14 cold-pressed juices containing raw green superfoods such as spinach, kale, celery, wheatgrass, spirulina, and parsley. You can never go wrong with green juice!
  • The Anti-Inflammation Kit has been designed to help you refresh dull skin and banish the bloat. The juices contain anti-inflammatory ingredients such as kale, ginger, and turmeric. A great choice if you’re looking to reduce inflammation in your body.
  • Need a boost of hydration and energy? Our Hydration Kit is high in electrolytes, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory ingredients. We have selected these juices to help you undertake the best juice cleanse for weight loss. 
  • Try our Immunity juice cleanse kit if you feel like your immune system needs a boost. This is not only one of the best juice cleanses for weight loss, but it is also a great choice if you like variation. Featuring 2-4 pounds of raw fruit and veggies in each bottle, your immune system will thank you!
  • The Classic Cleanse juice kit has a wide range of flavors (and colors!) so you won’t get bored. Try a juice cleanse for weight loss, or simply add a juice per day to your diet. Colorful, nutritious, and utterly delicious!
  • Our Low Sugar Cleanse kit is made from fruits and veggies that are low in sugar, such as dark leafy greens. If you’re sensitive to sugar and experience sugar crashes, this is a great choice for you. Try a 2 day cleanse and enjoy 7 juices per day.
  • The Glowing Skin Kit is designed to give you just that: glowing skin. It’s bursting with vitamin A, vitamin C, and lycopene. These nutrients are known for their potential to promote clear, bright skin that radiates with health.

The Final Sip

A juice cleanse for weight loss can be a great way to reset your body, though it can be easy to put weight back on when it stops. We don’t recommend doing a juice cleanse for longer than a few days, so the real benefits tend to be related to health rather than weight. 

But let’s face it, health is more important! We can’t stress enough that you need to approach a juice cleanse for weight loss with care and consideration. If in doubt, speak to your doctor or nutritionist.

When you’re ready to go for it, we offer a variety of Juice Cleanse kits to make things as simple and tasty as possible with our cold-pressed juices and juice subscription!