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Myth vs. Reality: Understanding the Truth About Juice Cleansing

Understanding the Truth About Juice Cleansing

Are juice cleanses good for you or are they not? Will you be overly hydrated or not? There are a lot of confusing juice cleanse myths going around and we’d like to talk about them. Allow us to offer some juice cleanse facts! We’re sure you’ll learn a thing or two here. But before we simply jump straight into debunking juice detox myths, let’s discuss what juice cleanses actually are.

A juice cleanse is a practice where you only drink fruit and vegetable juice (and water!). During your cleanse, you avoid solid foods to give your digestive system a chance to “reset” while the juices hydrate and nourish your body. For most people, it’s best to cleanse for a few days and no longer. One week should be the max. 

Now that we’re all on the same page, we can discuss some misconceptions about juice cleanses. We’re sure some concerns have come up while discussing what it was. We can now take this moment to explain!

Juice Cleanse Myths

Juice Cleanses are Straight-Up Bad For You

healthy juice cleanse

For most people, juice cleanses are safe and can be a wonderful way to support your health goals. Juice cleanses could still provide a much-needed restart when you feel like your body could use a little detox. Think of it this way, your stomach won’t be busy breaking down solid food for a while. It’s like it’s on vacation!

But as with any dietary change, there are certain precautions you must take before cleansing. For example, if you have a medical condition, it’s best to speak to your doctor before trying a cleanse. 

However, some naysayers believe that juice cleanses are straight-up bad for you, and this simply isn’t true. To say that juice cleanses are unhealthy would simply be false. Fruits and vegetables are well known to be filled with essential nutrients! Given that only 1 in 10 adults get their daily recommended intake (which is 5 servings, FYI), fruit and vegetable juices are a great way to get it. Doing a cleanse can help give your nutrition a much-needed boost!

Juice Cleanses Will Make You Lose Weight

juice cleanse for weight loss

This is probably one of the most popular juice cleanse myths around. If you’re expecting juice cleanses to be a simple weight-loss solution, you’ll be disappointed. While you may lose a few pounds while cleansing, most people who lose weight on a juice cleanse gain it back once they resume their normal diet.

However, if you’re trying to lose weight, a juice cleanse can help support your goals. Many people benefit from doing a juice cleanse to have a “fresh start” before making other dietary changes or starting a new fitness routine. Cleansing may also help you feel lighter and more energized, which can help you feel motivated to eat healthier and exercise more.

You’ll Be Overly Hydrated When You Go On a Cleanse

juice clease hydration

Believe it or not, some people may become dehydrated while on a juice cleanse. Seems unlikely, but it’s true! On average, we receive 20% of our daily liquid requirements from the food we eat. When you’re on a cleanse, you won’t be consuming those same foods, and thus may become dehydrated.

That’s why it’s important to continue to drink water when you’re on a cleanse. We know it may actually seem counterintuitive since you’re already drinking lots of juice but, trust us, it’s for your own good. Don’t simply stick to the juices for hydration!

Also Read - Juice Cleanse for Beginners - Everything You Need to Know

You Cannot and Should Not Eat During Your Juice Cleanse

2-3 day juice cleanse

When you’re doing a short, 2-3 day cleanse, you’ll receive the most benefits if you avoid eating. However, it’s more important to listen to your body! It’s normal to get hungry while you’re on a cleanse, but you shouldn’t feel like you’re starving yourself. 

If you begin to feel faint or experience other signs of distress, it’s okay to break your fast and eat some food. Even seasoned cleansers allow themselves to eat a handful of nuts, some fresh fruit, or raw veggies if they’re feeling too hungry. That’s allowed. If you don’t feel well, learn to pull the plug.

It Doesn’t Matter What You Drink As Long As It’s Juice

The truth about juice cleanses is that many people don’t drink the right kind of juice. When things go “wrong” and they don’t receive their intended results, they may blame the experience of cleansing and not the juices themselves. 

It’s definitely worth noting that you can’t simply go out and grab any other fruit or veggie juice you see. Remember, these juices are the only things you’ll be having (apart from water) in a span of time. Make sure you’re choosing high quality, pure fruit and vegetable juices without hidden ingredients or concentrates.

If you take a look at the juices here at Little West, you’ll have a pretty good example of the right kind of juices and what you should actually be in the market for. No artificial stuff, no added sugars or sweeteners… All the ingredients are bottled in their purest form and they’re never watered down. That’s why you can get as much as 2- 4 pounds’ worth of produce in every bottle of Little West juice. (Here’s a little secret: We already have cleanse kits ready and available for home delivery!)

Check out - Visualizing the Effect of Juice Cleanse - Before & After

Experience The Truth About Juice Cleanses Yourself

juice cleanse

See? Juice cleanses aren’t bad for you - as long as you do them right! After learning the juice cleanse facts in this article, you’ll be ready to try a cleanse right away. Just don’t forget to pick up your juices here at Little West for the healthiest juice cleanse on the market.