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Juice Cleanse For Beginners - A Detailed Guide

Juice Cleanse For Beginners - A Detailed Guide

Most people take on juice cleanses for their associated benefits. What they are can vary from person to person and can differ based on the juice they drink. That’s right, there really isn’t a universal result when taking on a juice cleanse…

best juice cleanse kits

A detox or a refresh is a valid reason for wanting to do a juice cleanse. A good juice cleanse for beginners can help you do that if done properly. The best juice cleanse is one that’s taken on with the proper information!

What Do People Hope to Get From a Juice Cleanse?

Weight Loss on a Juice Cleanse

A lot of people view a juice cleanse as a diet. But contrary to what you may believe or what others have told you, a juice cleanse will not guarantee you to lose weight. If you happen to lose a bit of weight while on a cleanse, you might notice it start to come back once it’s over.

While weight loss isn’t certain, a juice cleanse may help you with your journey in different ways. 

Also Read - 7 Juice Cleanse for Weight Loss

Juice Cleanse Detox

This may be a more realistic expectation when it comes to juice cleanses for beginners. Some juices are designed to detoxify the body. Relying too much on them or solely consuming them and only them for a long time may leave you with imbalanced nutrition.

A juice cleanse can also give your digestive system a break. It works so hard, after all! The juice may help flush out your system and give it a nice little refresh. 

What are the Risks of Going on a Juice Cleanse?

What are the Risks of Going on a Juice Cleanse?

Too Much Sugar

No matter what kind of fresh juice it is, it’s bound to contain some sort of sugar. Naturally occurring sugars are very common in fruits and veggies. So if you find a juice that says it’s absolutely sugar-free, you’re probably being lied to.

Going on a juice cleanse for beginners with all the wrong juices can leave you with too much sugar - especially if you just willy-nilly grab a carton of juice from the supermarket. If you want to watch your sugar intake, check out this Low Sugar Juice Cleanse (14 Bottles) Kit.

Lack of Proper Nutrition

If you don’t plan out the juice you’ll be drinking, you may end up with a lack of nutrients. What could be missing? How about proteins and healthy fats? 

If you think that this won’t matter for a juice cleanse for 1 day or a two-day juice cleanse, think again! Our bodies are different. A change of nutrition could trigger some side effects, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions.

If you’re unhealthy, your immune system may be weaker. Luckily, you can find kits designed to help keep your system in tip-top shape like this Immune Booster Juice Kit (12 Bottles)!

Weight Gain

You can actually end up gaining weight on a juice cleanse. While this of course isn’t a bad thing, you may be expecting the opposite. However, all of the sugar we mentioned earlier can actually cause you to gain weight.

If you skip food, you may also get cravings. That’s normal. What you do with those cravings after a cleanse is what you should be careful about. Try not to consume too much of the food you missed all in one day.

Other Side Effects

Headaches, migraines, and even dehydration can strike while you’re on a juice cleanse. Just because you’re on a juice cleanse, doesn’t mean you should skip drinking water altogether. Drinking water is actually a must, even with all the liquid intake.

If you’re used to drinking coffee, caffeine withdrawal can also give you headaches and similar symptoms. While drinking coffee on a cleanse isn’t recommended, a cup of tea can help and is allowed.

Check Out - Visualizing the Effects of Juice Cleanse: Before & After

How To Do A Juice Cleanse For Beginners?

How To Do A Juice Cleanse For Beginners

Set the Date

A juice cleanse is done for a specific time period. Doing a juice cleanse for 1 day is a great place to start if you’re new. It can show you a lot of things, like how your body reacts. This is key if you want to do a longer cleanse. If you’re confident enough, jump on a two-day juice cleanse.

Do the Prep Work

As we said, your body can react to a juice cleanse for beginners positively or negatively. You may want to take a couple of days' leave or take a little break from any commitments. We don’t want you feeling woozy at all the wrong times.

Also, to set yourself up for success, make sure to eat properly pre-cleanse. Don’t fill up on chips and other junk with the thinking that you’ll flush them out of your system eventually. Be mindful of what you eat, since it’s going to be your last solid food for a while.

Check Out - 5 Different Types of Cleanse - Benefits & Risk

Get the Right Juice

The best juice cleanse for beginners involves drinking cold pressed juices without all those concentrates, preservatives, and sweeteners. 

Little West has kits that will be worth your time if you want to get on a juice cleanse. They contain all the right stuff and are free from any added sugars, preservatives, concentrates, and additives. They aren’t watered down either. You just get the real deal. 

Some helpful reading material and juice info is always present. We’re sure you’ll learn a little something here at Little West with our juice subscription!

Recommended Cleanse Kit