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What to Eat After a 3-Day Juice Cleanse?

what to eat after 3 day juice cleanse

We all know the feeling. We’ve taken on our juice cleanse like a boss and now we get to reap the rewards! But hold on. While the grass is greener on the other side, it doesn’t magically stay that way without some trimming and mowing. All we’re saying is that we still need to do some proper work so that our cleanse does what it needs to. 

It may sound like a bummer, right? All that work for 3 days and you still can’t go crazy? Well, that’s all for your benefit. Going gung-ho on food and drink right after your juice cleanse, whether short or long, will regress all that you’ve worked so hard to achieve. Allow us to explain.

What To Eat After A Juice Cleanse

Soups and Broths

soups and broths

Start things off slow. You can follow up your juice cleanse diet with some broths and soups. Though not as exciting to some, we're huge fans of them!

Broths and soups are filled with delicious vitamins and minerals. You should begin with lighter soups and gradually get to chunky soups eventually. And this is to allow your stomach to start off slow. Don't immediately bombard your tummy with difficult-to-digest foods because that may cause some pains and aches!

Nuts and Seeds

Naturally nutritious, a good serving of nuts and seeds will set you up on the right path after your juice cleanse. You can steadily munch on them as you get hungry without going overboard. The portion control is easy!

Nuts and seeds are also crazy convenient. No cooking or cleaning up is required. All you need is a handful and you're set. Make sure you chew thoroughly so that, again, your digestive system can start things slow.

Fruits and Vegetables

fruits and vegetables

We know your juice cleanse diet consists of a lot of these, but fruits and vegetables are still one of the best things to eat. They always are! After all, they're good enough to power you through your 3-day juice cleanse!

You can eat veggies raw or cook them however you like. Steaming them and adding a bit of salt and pepper is simple, but still yummy. Fruits you can also enjoy as they are or maybe with some peanut butter to make things more indulgent.


You can also eat rice perhaps a day or two after your cleanse. It's not recommended right after as it may be a little on the heavier side, but it's something to look forward to! 

You can have your rice with some eggs and even sides of roasted vegetables. Or enjoy some beans and rice! Remember to start off with lightly seasoned dishes and work your way up.

What to Avoid After Your Juice Cleanse 



Alcohol is at the top of what NOT to eat after a 3-day juice cleanse. To avoid shocking your system, best to skip alcohol after your cleanse. We know you may be aching to celebrate a job well done, but you have to control yourself! You've come this far!

To add to this, you shouldn’t be out filling your stomach with alcohol - especially if you haven’t eaten a proper meal. And if you partook in a 3-day cleanse for detox in the first place, you shouldn’t really be drinking all that soon anyway. C’mon! No pain, no gain.

Check Out - Visualizing the Effects of Juice Cleanse

Sugar and Junk Food

Sugar (in this case refined sugar) is best kept off your diet. Natural sugars can always exist in your food, but the added sugars are what we have to control. Sodas, sweetened coffees, and all other junk should never be a priority - post-cleanse or not.

We won’t dwell on this too much because we’re sure you already know the deal with sugar and junk food. 


dairy products

As one can expect, dairy makes the list. Known for giving some folks some tummy troubles, whether on juice cleanses or not, best to avoid dairy in the meantime. 

Your usual dairy food includes cheese, milk, certain yogurts, butter, and other desserts. Don't worry, you won't be avoiding these forever! And this is a 50-50 for some people because some do eat yogurt as early as their 2nd-day post-cleanse. It all depends on the tummy ingesting them.

Meats and Other Protein

It's said to avoid meat for at least 5 days after your juice cleanses. This is a little on the heavier side and your current goal is for smaller, lighter meals to ease your way back to your "regular" diet. 

There are other ways you can get some healthy fats in the meantime. Avocadoes, tofu, and even nuts are great alternatives. Again, don't be too discouraged. You can get creative with the foods you're allowed and then get to the fancier meals later. It's only for a short while!

Also Read - The Perfect Recipe for a 3 Day Juice Cleanse

Keep Your Cleanse Clean

For best results, a good follow-through is needed. Little West supplies you with the juice; all you have to supply is the can-do attitude!